CANCELLED - Fall Connection Gathering: Cultivating a Strategic Mindset

CANCELLED - Fall Connection Gathering: Cultivating a Strategic Mindset

Connect, get inspired and learn how to cultivate a strategic mindset! Join us for our signature event with structured (and non-awkward!) networking and practical insights.

SVWL founder, Wendy Parslow, will share practical tools to cultivate a strategic mindset. helping you switch effortlessly from big-picture thinking to nitty-gritty details.

Mark your calendar for now. Registration to open soon!

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Lunchtime Summer Walking Meet-Up for Working Moms

Lunchtime Summer Walking Meet-Up for Working Moms

Join us for this special edition meet-up and walk with SVWL community member and parent coach, Mona Best and other working moms for some fresh air and tips about balancing time, parenting and self care. It’s the perfect opportunity to energize your professional network, make new friends and deepen your connections in the Valley.

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Summer Meet-Ups (Aug)

Summer Meet-Ups (Aug)

Join SVWL for our low-key meet ups offered throughout the summer! It’s the perfect opportunity to energize your professional network, make new friends and deepen your connections in the Valley.

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Summer Meet-Ups (July)

Summer Meet-Ups (July)

Join SVWL for our low-key meet ups offered throughout the summer! It’s the perfect opportunity to energize your professional network, make new friends and deepen your connections in the Valley.

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Summer Meet-Ups (June)

Summer Meet-Ups (June)

Join SVWL for our low-key meet ups offered throughout the summer! It’s the perfect opportunity to energize your professional network, make new friends and deepen your connections in the Valley.

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Summer Meet-Ups (May)

Summer Meet-Ups (May)

Join SVWL for our low-key meet ups offered throughout the summer! It’s the perfect opportunity to energize your professional network, make new friends and deepen your connections in the Valley.

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How to Stress Less without Letting Anyone Down

How to Stress Less without Letting Anyone Down

This quarter, the Snoqualmie Valley Women in Leadership Community is exploring the themes of stress and burnout. Each quarter we offer a workshop for community members to connect deeper with each other and explore ways to grow and feel supported.

This February, SVWL community member and coach, Ashleigh Kilcup will be leading a workshop on stress and burnout.

Stay tuned for more specific details on the workshop content and goals.

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December Book Club: Book Exchange

We’re doing something a little different for the December book club - a book exchange! Think about a book that has made an impact in your life as a leader and human.

Select a book from your bookshelf to give away or purchase another copy if you can’t part with the one on your shelf. Pre-loved books are very welcome.

Wrap it up and bring it to the December book club book exchange. You’ll walk away with a new read to inspire your journey!

Location: At a SVWL Community Member’s house in North Bend; We’ll send you directions when you RSVP.

RSVP Here (to get location details, reminders and updates)

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November Book Club: Dare to Lead

November Book Club: Dare to Lead

For November, we’ll be reading Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. by Brene Brown.

Description from Goodreads: “Leadership is not about titles, status and power over people. Leaders are people who hold themselves accountable for recognising the potential in people and ideas, and developing that potential. This is a book for everyone who is ready to choose courage over comfort, make a difference and lead.”

As always, reading the book is not a requirement. All are welcome to join the discussion.

Location: At a SVWL Community Member’s house in North Bend; We’ll send you directions when you RSVP.

RSVP Here (to get location details, reminders and updates)

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Fall Connection Gathering

Fall Connection Gathering

Join us for our signature event! We’ll include structured networking designed to create meaningful connections as well as a panel discussion on Leadership Presence — What is it, Why is it Important and What to do About it.

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Virtual Coffee Chat

Virtual Coffee Chat

Kick off your morning with a bit of inspiration and discussion with other women leaders in Snoqualmie Valley.

Topic/Question for this this chat: Motivation - What challenges are you currently facing with your ability to stay motivated? What successes?

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 721 1036 6614
Passcode: 4Y6sHD

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Re-Energizing your Career

Re-Energizing your Career

Are you questioning what’s next in your career? Are you feeling like a change is needed, but not quite sure what that change might be? In this workshop, we invite you to step outside your day-to-day, take a look inward and explore tools to take a leap forward. The goal of our time together is to help you generate creative ideas to advance your career, whether you’re wanting to find a new job, change industries all together or start a business.

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Retreat Planning Kick Off (virtual)

This fall, we’re hosting our inaugural One-Day SVWL Retreat. The retreat will offer an opportunity to dive in and spend a whole day connecting with and getting inspired by fellow women leaders.

Helping to plan the Fall Retreat is a great way to get connected to other women leaders in the valley and help the community!

During this virtual call, we’ll brainstorm ideas for the retreat and get a sense of how/if you might want to contribute to planning.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 779 2072 5843
Passcode: vdkJ8T

Want to attend or help? Fill out the volunteer inquiry form and indicate you want to join the planning kick off. Or if you can’t make the kick off, fill out the form anyway if you’re interested in helping.

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Volunteering with SVWL is a great way to get connected with other women leaders in the Valley or share your gifts and talents with your community.